Bienvenidos / Welcome / Bienvenu

Bienvenidos a un mundo de pequeños recuerdos, instantes breves capturados en papel y transmitidos por un haz de luz hasta vuestras pantallas. Bienvenidos al pequeño mundo de Lasari.

Welcome to a world of small memories, brief moments captured in paper and broadcasted through a beam of light to reach you through your monitors. Welcome to Lasari's tiny world.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Joaquin Castellanos y Tomás Navas tocando en el Centro Dolménico de Corominas

22012011 corominas, originalmente cargada por Lasari.

Un magnífico concierto en un entorno inolvidable, sí señor.
Confieso que dieron muestras de su enorme talento, complicidad con multitud de piezas tanto clásicas como modernas.
Momentazo el de la Pantera Rosa.

A wonderful concert in an unforgettable setting.
I confess they displayed an enourmous talent, complicity with a multitude of musical pieces from clasic to modern.
The moment of the night: when they played the Pink Panther!

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

El vigilante

220111 Atarazanas - vigilante, originalmente cargada por Lasari.

Este señor era una especie de vigilante del mercado, una pena no lo pude dibujar entero porque se me escapaba, no paraba de ir de un lado para otro. Mmmm tendré que volver, para intentarlo de nuevo otro día jeje

People in the market

220111 Atarazanas -esperando, originalmente cargada por Lasari.

And over all, in a market there is people... all sorts of people. Real characters, delightful ones, you wonder what they are doing there. who they are waiting for, their clothing, their style, I confess, I love drawing people!

Pickles and olives

220111 Atarazanas - encurtidos, originalmente cargada por Lasari.

Very often I start doing a sketch and I don't know wether I will be enjoying it more or less. This one was real fun to do, so much happening in her selling stall! So many yummy things! so many colours! it was great.

A doctor in the Market

22012011 atarazanas medica, originalmente cargada por Lasari.

This is part of a series of sketches I did for the 30th sketchcrawl in Malaga. We spent the morning in the market of Las Atarazanas in Malaga. A wonderful place. At the entrance there is a doctor, isn't that great? How many markets have you seen that have one?